Posts filed under "Homelessness"

Cardboard Citizens
A new interactive play from transformative theatre group Cardboard Citizens breaks new ground. Figen Gunes finds out more

Cafe Art
Art, social impact and coffee go hand in hand with Cafe Art. Danielle Aumord checks them out

Home Is Where My Heart Is
Home Is Where My Heart Is is a simple concept really: A photography-come-calendar project for homeless young people aged between 12 and 25 years of age. It’s run by the Perth based YACWA (Youth Affairs Council for Western Australia) with the sales from the calendar helping to fund its next year’s activities. YAWCA CEO Craig […]

Crisis Skylight Cafe
Danielle Aumord dives into the training cafe at Crisis Skylight. // The London-based Crisis Skylight Cafe is perched on Commercial Street in the financial heart of the city. As you peer through the windows it looks cosy, and in stark contrast to many of the local eateries this is a cafe with a mission. “The café was […]

In memory of Richard Muzira
CoolTan Arts volunteer Richard Muzira has tragically died after his bycicle was in collision with a lorry in south London. He is the sixth cyclist to die in London in 13 days. Answers From Big Issue interviewed this amazing man during a visit to CoolTan earlier this year…

Jenny McBain discovers some of the secrets of StreetSmart – an innovative charity raising money through restaurants to support the work of small, local charities that help the homeless.// In these uncertain times of social divide, charities are lining up to ask the public for financial support. So the need to make giving simple, attractive […]

The Big Issue Street Team
‘A hand up, not a handout’, the motto of the Big Issue, is evident within the activities of its lesser known ‘Street Team’, says Danielle Aumord. // The street team in London consists of three full-time members of staff, and numerous volunteers all decked out in bright red jackets. London team leader Nadia Manganello advises that […]

Empowerment Plan
The Empowerment Plan in Detroit produces a highly insulated coat which can be a hold-all and a sleeping bag. They are also training people. Jenny McBain speaks to its young founder. // Veronika Scott is from Detroit and still in her early twenties but she is already making strides as a social pioneer, successfully battling […]

Community Self-build Agency
By Jenny McBain // How the Community Self-build Agency is helping the homeless to create their own homes John Gillespie has the same mantra as Big Issue editor-in-chief John Bird. He too believes that people need ‘a hand up not a hand out’. The former social worker has worked for the Community Self Build Agency […]

The House of St Barnabas
By Figen Gunes We all know the stereotype of the private members’ club where wealthy bosses dangle empty glasses at their servers, awaiting refills and attention. And celebrities meet up for fluffy chats while enjoying ‘safe zones’ of such venues away from the prying eyes of the public. But, anyone against the idea of […]