Posts tagged with "mental health"

CoolTan Arts, Life After Richard
After the shocking death of volunteer Richard Muzira, Figen Gunes talks to founder Michelle Baharier about his impact and the role of volunteers in general.// In the middle of a new art exhibition called Hope sits a tribute book to CoolTan Arts volunteer Richard Muzira, who died aged 61 in a bike accident in […]

My Time
A unique mental health social enterprise employing former service users is covering new ground, finds Andrew Burns. // Five years ago Tony Mills was at death’s door. Having just lost his job on a building site in Birmingham and with nothing – and no one – to lean on, he developed depression and felt […]

Midlands Psychology
Charles Howgego hears about a group of clinicians improving the mental health of whole communities. // “It was an amazing, probably brave and stupid thing to do,” is the honest summing up of Angela Southall looking back on her decision to leave the NHS in 2008 and set up social enterprise Midlands Psychology (MP). The […]

In memory of Richard Muzira
CoolTan Arts volunteer Richard Muzira has tragically died after his bycicle was in collision with a lorry in south London. He is the sixth cyclist to die in London in 13 days. Answers From Big Issue interviewed this amazing man during a visit to CoolTan earlier this year…

One In Four magazine
One In Four magazine was set up by Social Spider, an idea from social entrepreneur David Floyd to help people create change through writing, publishing, training and research. By Figen Gunes.// One In Four magazine is published quarterly and written by people with mental health difficulties. The magazine is edited by Social Spider director, […]

Mind Food
‘Care farming’ is growing in popularity as a way of easing the stress of mental ill health, finds Figen Gunes. // “The devil makes work for idle hands,” says the oldest volunteer at Mind Food to refer to her disturbing thoughts while she was in a psychiatric unit for 13 years. Mind Food is a […]