Liter of Light

Posted by editor 26/04/2013 0 Comment 3555 views
Plastic bottles are literally shedding light into thousands of shanty homes in the Philippines.

Plastic bottles are literally shedding light into thousands of shanty homes in the Philippines.

Volunteers at NGO the MyShelter Foundation fill the discarded containers with a solution of water and bleach. In five minutes, they use a hammer, rivet, sandpaper, epoxy and metal sheets to fit one of these into a hole in a corrugated iron roof. The result is a bulb which diffuses 55W of sunlight.

This is the Liter of Light scheme, launched in July 2011. So far, 25,000 homes have benefited at a cost of just $1 per bottle.

The NGO aims to add the bulbs to 1 million such houses per year, a fraction of the 12 million in darkness or facing the loss of their electricity supply.

It is a decade since Brazilian Alfredo Moser came up with the idea of using a plastic bottle as a solar bulb. Students from MIT in the US modified the design for communities in Manila, and it has spread to India, Colombia and Vanuatu. It has also been hailed as a step towards tackling global warming.

Photography: Sidney Snoeck

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