Posts tagged with "Rehabilitation"

SOS Project (St Giles Trust)

Posted by editor 23/10/2013 0 Comment 4013 views

Sam Duberry was still an inmate in HMP Wandsworth when he first began working as a peer mentor for St Giles Trust’s SOS gangs project. Danielle Aumord hears the secret of his success. // Clients say Sam’s experience puts him in a better position to relate to the young people he works with on the […]

Just for Kids Law

Posted by editor 07/06/2013 0 Comment 8884 views

By Figen Gunes “Courts say, ‘it is my role to punish.’ Lawyers say, ‘it is my role to get you off.’ And teachers say, ‘I only teach’  – but no one is looking at the whole picture of troubled children,” says Shauneen Lambe, co-founder of Just for Kids Law, a not-for-profit legal advice company for […]

For the Right Reasons

Posted by editor 03/10/2012 0 Comment 3315 views

By Jenny McBain The Reverend Richard Burkitt is quite happy if people perceive him as being crazy. To him, Christianity is all about laying yourself on the line and helping people on the margins of society. The Rev, as he is known, has co-founded For the Right Reasons,a social enterprise in Merkinch, a deprived area […]

Living Sober

Living Sober

Posted by editor 18/09/2012 0 Comment 3758 views

Prior to living at Oxford House, these six inhabitants cost the state over £1m in failed recovery programmes, criminality and illness. Tony hides his rollercoaster past beneath a boyish baseball cap and a matching grin.  He works 9-5 as an Alcohol Outreach Worker, and finds his work just as wordy and vague as his job […]

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