Posts filed under "Business"

Fresh Start

Posted by editor 27/03/2014 0 Comment 3194 views

Everybody needs a roof over their head but human beings have other requirements too, Jenny McBain discovers. Edinburgh based charity Fresh Start strives to help recently housed people to create a home and to feel more connected to their community so they can make a success of their new lives.  And they have been the […]

The Juno Project

Posted by editor 14/02/2014 0 Comment 3607 views

Danielle Aumord hears from an inspirational social entrepreneur encouraging women to go it alone in business

Co-wheels Car Club

Posted by editor 17/01/2014 1 Comment 38291 views

  Co-wheels is a car club reconnecting people, saving the environment, and winning awards! By Figen Gunes

Deptford Renewal

Posted by editor 25/11/2013 0 Comment 3994 views

Deptford, in south-east London, is a place of immense cultural diversity. Danielle Aumord samples a new scheme aimed at regenerating the local market.// The diversity of this part of the world is richly reflected within the friendly local traders. It’s also an area going though much transition. The market and local shops suffered a decline […]

Rubies In The Rubble

Posted by editor 23/10/2013 0 Comment 4231 views

  Figen Gunes visits a chutney social business reducing food waste and employing disadvantaged people. // Old bananas will soon be back on the menu in the form of banana ketchups made with chilli, ginger and spices thanks to Rubies in the Rubble, an award-winning social enterprise producing premium quality chutneys from discarded food. Given […]

Bloomsbury Babies

Posted by editor 16/10/2013 0 Comment 3044 views

Bloomsbury Babies, a social enterprise supporting entrepreneurial parents, is calling for mums with kids under 5 to join their new ‘parent-cubator’ group. By Figen Gunes. // The parent-cubator is the first of its type in London, providing a 12-session ‘self-help’ action learning programme for parents who want to start their own business or enterprise, with a […]

Book – Cycle

Posted by editor 16/07/2013 0 Comment 4829 views

  By Tim Wilson The shop is tucked amongst an enclave of Tudor buildings, clustered beside Exeter’s ancient city wall. Behind its pitched beams and leaded bay windows a quiet revolution is taking place. Book-Cycle is a shop with a difference; the customer decides the price. Volunteer run throughout, the charity is a champion of […]

Pantrepreneurship Challenge

Posted by editor 01/07/2013 0 Comment 3057 views

By Figen Gunes Flashing pants in a local market to sell may not sound appealing to many youngsters. But teams of young social entrepreneurs were motivated for a socially conscious task; improving fair trade through ‘Pantrepreneurship Challenge’, a national student enterprise competition. “Some customers said they can get hundreds of pants from Primark for that […]

Cool School

Posted by editor 28/05/2013 0 Comment 3396 views

By Figen Gunes Immediately walking in, the buzz of new ideas inspires the visitor to dream big. Then the writing on the wall near the entrance further boosts your motivation: ‘Everyone has a capacity to be remarkable’. In this place, it really is true. Londoners from diverse backgrounds who want to transform daily life through […]

Thames Reach

Posted by editor 07/05/2013 0 Comment 3965 views

“I was sleeping rough in places like Embankment and Holborn,” recalls 40-year-old Essex-born Graham Shelby. “In Holborn I would sleep in a car park, under a ramp to keep the rain off. I was always looking for shelter. Pillar to post for 10 months or so.” However, from this bleak outlook just a few months […]

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