Posts filed under "Community"

Citizens’ Eye

Posted by editor 27/11/2013 0 Comment 3864 views

The people of Leicester have been benefiting from an extensive network of community media thanks to Citizens’ Eye, discovers Figen Gunes. // Citizens’ Eye was set up in 2007 in a bid to produce alternative content to the mainstream media by training citizen journalists. They became a community media training school run in cooperation with […]

The Cycle Hub

Posted by editor 26/11/2013 0 Comment 2773 views

An innovative project, The Cycle Hub, hopes to make cities and cycling more accessible, discovers Andrew Burns. // During the last year, cycling groups, businesses and the local authority in Newcastle have come together to ensure that the city is deemed “fit for cycling”. One specific organisation that has been crucial in achieving this ambition […]

Deptford Renewal

Posted by editor 25/11/2013 0 Comment 3912 views

Deptford, in south-east London, is a place of immense cultural diversity. Danielle Aumord samples a new scheme aimed at regenerating the local market.// The diversity of this part of the world is richly reflected within the friendly local traders. It’s also an area going though much transition. The market and local shops suffered a decline […]

The Hub

Posted by editor 15/11/2013 0 Comment 2444 views

  The Hub Islington is perched on the fourth floor of a converted warehouse, in an old fashioned, cobbled street behind Angel station. Blink and you might miss it.  You climb four sets of stairs taking in the surroundings: grey concrete walls, exposed gas pipes and frayed wires, reports Danielle Aumord.// By contrast, though, in […]

The Free Help Guy

Posted by editor 11/11/2013 0 Comment 2452 views

“Smilebombs” are landing all over town thanks to The Free Help Guy, an anonymous Londoner in his 20s offering free help to people in need. Figen Gunes tracks him down.// “I’m both flattered and confused by the response my blog has received. I’m not doing anything new,” he says, “as it’s essentially just freelance […]

10 Sofas 10 Minutes

Posted by editor 29/10/2013 0 Comment 2885 views

Cambridge residents will soon wake up to purple ribbons tied on to benches and railings across the city as an invite to a local debate initiative around inflatable purple sofas placed in different locations. By Figen Gunes. // The local debates will be encouraged by a Cambridge-based social organisation called 10 Sofas 10 Minutes, launched by […]

Befrienders Highland

Posted by editor 08/10/2013 0 Comment 3820 views

Mental ill-health changes people’s relationships with friends. One Highlands organisation is helping those cut off reengage. As Jenny McBain finds out. //  Life without the input of friends is almost unthinkable for most people, yet those who have experienced mental ill health often find themselves cut off from the support of others.  Jenny McBain found […]


Posted by editor 26/09/2013 0 Comment 7724 views

By Jenny McBain // Not many approaches can claim success when it comes to rehabilitating young men who have been in serious trouble with the law.  A social enterprise based in Brighton is leading the way. Lucas Pyke is a smiling, self-assured young man who has recently enjoyed some time in Ghana volunteering on a […]

Get To Know Your Techno

Posted by editor 26/09/2013 0 Comment 3271 views

By Jenny McBain // Forget talk of uncommunicative youngsters- a group of Highland teenagers shows that they are in possession of true community spirit. The famous political exhortation that we should ‘hug a hoodie’ was a glib summary about one set of ideas about how to bridge the gap between generations. A group of Highland […]

Rural Media / Travellers’ Times

Posted by editor 04/07/2013 0 Comment 3089 views

  By Figen Gunes Through publishing a magazine, members of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities in the UK are equipping themselves with better tools to fight against misconceptions and misrepresentations in mainstream media. Travellers’ Times magazine, a quarterly publication, is a social enterprise published  by the Rural Media Company with an aim of […]

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